Princeton Tec Helix Li Led wiederaufladbare Licht Laterne - Grau
Egal, ob der Abend Sie in den Hinterhof oder ins Hinterland führt, der Helix Li packt die Ware.Ein Micro-USB-Anschluss versorgt den wiederaufladbaren Akku mit Strom, der es dieser leichten Laterne ermöglicht, einen hellen Strahl auszustrahlen, der die Augen schont –...
Petromax Edelstahl Perkomax Perkolator
Mit der Petromax Edelstahl-Perkolator kannst du deinen Lieblingskaffee und -tee besonders schonend aufbrühen. Das einzigartige Zubereitungsprinzip verleiht Ihrem Getränk ein unvergleichliches Aroma. Überall ein Genuss Mit der Perkomax aus Edelstahl können Sie Ihren Kaffee immer dort zubereiten, wo Sie ihn...
Petromax Grill- und Kohlezange
Die Petromax Grill- und Kohlezange ist dein unverzichtbares Utensil zum Grillen und Kochen im Freien.Sicheres Garen auf dem heißen GrillDie hochwertige Zange aus gebürstetem Edelstahl liegt dank ihres feinen Griffs gut in der Hand. Dank des gebogenen Zangenkopfes können Sie...
Petromax Holzspatel
Um keine Verbrennung mehr zu gewährleisten: Mit dem Petromax Holz Spatel leicht drehen, bewegen und Rühren Essen ist möglich.Dank der flachen Abstreifkante, die bis zum Ende leicht gewölbt wird, sorgt die Petromax Holzspachtel für das Anheben Ihrer Nahrung sowie das...
Petromax Sandwicheisen aus Gusseisen
Das Sandwicheisen eignet sich perfekt für leckere Toasts, Bagels oder Dumplings. Ob als Snack am Lagerfeuer oder als tolle Ergänzung zu Ihrem BBQ-Menü: Sandwiches werden jetzt in den gusseisernen Formen in der Glut des Lagerfeuers oder auf dem Grill geröstet....
Petromax Feuertopf aus Gusseisen
Der original Petromax Dutch Oven eignet sich ideal zum Kochen und Backen unter freiem Himmel oder im Backofen zu Hause. Gusseiserne Töpfe gibt es seit dem 18. Jahrhundert. Schon damals schätzte man die einzigartigen Eigenschaften von Gusseisen. Mit dem Feuertopf...
Petromax Feuertopf aus Gusseisen
Der original Petromax Dutch Oven eignet sich ideal zum Kochen und Backen unter freiem Himmel oder im Backofen zu Hause. Gusseiserne Töpfe gibt es seit dem 18. Jahrhundert. Schon damals schätzte man die einzigartigen Eigenschaften von Gusseisen. Mit dem Feuertopf...
Petromax Feuertopf aus Gusseisen
Der original Petromax Dutch Oven eignet sich ideal zum Kochen und Backen unter freiem Himmel oder im Backofen zu Hause. Gusseiserne Töpfe gibt es seit dem 18. Jahrhundert. Schon damals schätzte man die einzigartigen Eigenschaften von Gusseisen. Mit dem Feuertopf...
Petromax Feuertopf aus Gusseisen
Der original Petromax Dutch Oven eignet sich ideal zum Kochen und Backen unter freiem Himmel oder im Backofen zu Hause. Gusseiserne Töpfe gibt es seit dem 18. Jahrhundert. Schon damals schätzte man die einzigartigen Eigenschaften von Gusseisen. Mit dem Feuertopf...
Petromax Feuertopf aus Gusseisen
Der original Petromax Dutch Oven eignet sich ideal zum Kochen und Backen unter freiem Himmel oder im Backofen zu Hause. Gusseiserne Töpfe gibt es seit dem 18. Jahrhundert. Schon damals schätzte man die einzigartigen Eigenschaften von Gusseisen. Mit dem Feuertopf...
Petromax Feuertopf aus Gusseisen
Der original Petromax Dutch Oven eignet sich ideal zum Kochen und Backen unter freiem Himmel oder im Backofen zu Hause. Gusseiserne Töpfe gibt es seit dem 18. Jahrhundert. Schon damals schätzte man die einzigartigen Eigenschaften von Gusseisen. Mit dem Feuertopf...
Petromax Tasche für Dutch Oven FT12, FT18, Feuer Grill & Atago
Die Petromax Transporttasche für holländische Öfen ist eine gute Möglichkeit, holländische Öfen ft12 und ft18 sowie den Fire Barbecue Grill tg3 oder den Petromax Atago zu tragen oder zu speichern. Es ist eine sichere Lagerstätte.Erstklassige Stabilität dank seiner hochwertigen Handhabung...
Petromax Pflege Conditioner für Guss- und Schmiedeeisen
Die Petromax Pflege- und Würzspülung aus natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen schützt die vorbehandelte Oberfläche (seasoned finish) von Petromax Feuertöpfen und jedem anderen gusseisernen Kochgeschirr. Es eignet sich ideal zum Würzen von nicht vorbehandelten Dutch Oven Oberflächen.Pflege und SchutzDer lebensmittelechte Conditioner ist am...
Petromax Kochstativ
Wenn Sie „Last a Lifetime“-Qualität wollen, dann wollen Sie ein Petromax-Produkt. Das Kochstativ ist absolut keine Ausnahme und dieses wunderbar in Deutschland entwickelte Produkt wird Ihnen viele Jahre lang in Ihrer Campingküche dienen.Mit dem Petromax Kochstativ kommt jeder in den...
Petromax Fire-Kit
Feuer machen leicht gemacht: Einfach die sechs kleinen Holzstücke mit dem Karton zusammenfügen, dann den Kegel in die Mitte einer vorbereiteten Menge Brennholz oder zwischen Holzkohle oder Grillbriketts stellen und das Set mit den enthaltenen Streichhölzern anzünden. Unterwegs lässt sich...
Feuerhand Halter für Hurricane 276 Laterne
Warum der Feuerhand Laternenhalter der passgenaue Aufhänger für weitreichendes Licht ist: Features Elegantes Design extra Hingucker im Garten. Ideale Höhe um Laternenlicht im Garten oder auf der Terrasse zu verteilen. Unifarben und somit perfekt kombinierbar mit allen Laternenfarben. Langlebiges Material...
Feuerhand Tank Lid für Hurricane 276 Laterne
Der Deckel für den Feuerhand Öltank passend zum Feuerhand Hurrikan Laterne Baby Special 276. Der Tank Lid ist mit dem Feuerhand Logo dekoriert. Technische Daten Material: Stahl, verzinkt L x B x H (in cm): 3 x 3 x 1,4...
Feuerhand Flat Wick (5 St.) für Hurricane 276 Laterne
Warum der Flachdocht ideal für den Brenner in Ihrem Baby Special 276 ist: Merkmale- Passgenauer Baumwolldocht für schnelles, einfaches Anbringen. Optimale Kraftstoffaufnahme durch Naturfasern. Brennt einwandfrei und arbeitet sicher. Der Feuerhand Flachdocht aus reiner Baumwolle ist ideal für den Brenner...
Feuerhand Flat Wick 100cm (1m)
Warum der Flachdocht die flexible Wahl für den Brenner in Ihrem Baby Special 276 ist:Merkmale -  1 Meter/100 cm Baumwolldocht für einfaches Schneiden und schnelles Anbringen Optimale Kraftstoffaufnahme durch Naturfasern Brennt einwandfrei und arbeitet sicher Der Feuerhand Flachdocht aus reiner...
Feuerhand Frosted Glass für Hurricane 276 Laterne
Warum das Feuerhand Glas gefrostet perfekt für den Einsatz in Ihrem Baby Special 276 ist:Merkmale -  Hergestellt in Deutschland Bruchfestes und hitzebeständiges Borosilikatglas Passgenau für Baby Special 276 und 275 Mattierte Optik für diffuses Licht Optimaler Windschutz für eine ruhige...
Feuerhand Coaster For Lantern
Was den Laternenuntersetzer zum idealen Zubehör für die Baby Special 276 Hurricane Lantern auf einem Balkontisch oder Terrassenboden macht:Merkmale -  Baby Special 276 kann sicher auf Balkon- oder Gartentischen und Böden stehen Schützt beim Befüllen und Betreiben der Sturmlaterne zuverlässig...
Petromax Pfannenwender aus Olivenholz
Was den Petromax Pfannenwender aus Olivenholz zu einem unverzichtbaren Utensil für Bratpfannen macht: 30 cm langer Spatel Handgefertigt in Deutschland Nachhaltig nach der Olivenernte produziert Lebensmittelecht; hohe Strapazierfähigkeit durch Öl-Wachs-Finish Praktische Aufhängung durch Lederschlaufe Ihr praktischer Olivenspatel für jedes Abenteuer...
Metolius Dustbin Bouldering Bucket
The Metolius Dust Bin is a simply designed large-mouth boulder bucket that allows you to get all over coverage without spilling a gram of your favourite chalk. The Dustbin is a large bouldering bucket from Metolius that'll hold a lot...
Metolius Dustbin Bouldering Bucket
The Metolius Dust Bin is a simply designed large-mouth boulder bucket that allows you to get all over coverage without spilling a gram of your favourite chalk. The Dustbin is a large bouldering bucket from Metolius that'll hold a lot...
Metolius Dustbin Bouldering Bucket
The Metolius Dust Bin is a simply designed large-mouth boulder bucket that allows you to get all over coverage without spilling a gram of your favourite chalk. The Dustbin is a large bouldering bucket from Metolius that'll hold a lot...
Metolius Digi Camo Comp Chalk Bag
Metolius's classic Competition shape chalk bag in a digital camo print design. Features- Full-length pile lining Brush holder Includes belt w/side-release buckle
Metolius Digi Camo Comp Chalk Bag
Metolius's classic Competition shape chalk bag in a digital camo print design. Features- Full-length pile lining Brush holder Includes belt w/side-release buckle
Metolius Digi Camo Comp Chalk Bag
Metolius's classic Competition shape chalk bag in a digital camo print design. Features- Full-length pile lining Brush holder Includes belt w/side-release buckle
Metolius Yosemite Jester Chalk Bag
The Yosemite Jester Chalkbag has a tapered shape and a plush full-length pile lining, with a brush holder on the side.Features- Tapered shape and large capacity with full-length pile lining Brush holder Full-length pile lining Includes belt w/side-release buckle
YY Vertical Chalk Bag
YY Vertical Animal edition chalk bags.Have more fun when you climb with the Animal Chalk Bag Edition Lightweight and wild opening. Lightweight and Wide opening for easy access with big hand Improved closure system. Elasticated and adjustable draw cord closure...
YY Vertical Chalk Bag
YY Vertical Animal edition chalk bags.Have more fun when you climb with the Animal Chalk Bag Edition Lightweight and wild opening. Lightweight and Wide opening for easy access with big hand Improved closure system. Elasticated and adjustable draw cord closure...
YY Vertical Chalk Bag
YY Vertical Animal edition chalk bags.Have more fun when you climb with the Animal Chalk Bag Edition Lightweight and wild opening. Lightweight and Wide opening for easy access with big hand Improved closure system. Elasticated and adjustable draw cord closure...
YY Vertical Chalk Bag
YY Vertical Animal edition chalk bags.Have more fun when you climb with the Animal Chalk Bag Edition Lightweight and wild opening. Lightweight and Wide opening for easy access with big hand Improved closure system. Elasticated and adjustable draw cord closure...
YY Vertical Chalk Bag
YY Vertical Animal edition chalk bags.Have more fun when you climb with the Animal Chalk Bag Edition Lightweight and wild opening. Lightweight and Wide opening for easy access with big hand Improved closure system. Elasticated and adjustable draw cord closure...
YY Vertical Chalk Bag
YY Vertical Animal edition chalk bags.Have more fun when you climb with the Animal Chalk Bag Edition Lightweight and wild opening. Lightweight and Wide opening for easy access with big hand Improved closure system. Elasticated and adjustable draw cord closure...
YY Vertical Chalk Bag
YY Vertical Animal edition chalk bags.Have more fun when you climb with the Animal Chalk Bag Edition Lightweight and wild opening. Lightweight and Wide opening for easy access with big hand Improved closure system. Elasticated and adjustable draw cord closure...
YY Vertical Chalk Bag
YY Vertical Animal edition chalk bags.Have more fun when you climb with the Animal Chalk Bag Edition Lightweight and wild opening. Lightweight and Wide opening for easy access with big hand Improved closure system. Elasticated and adjustable draw cord closure...
YY Vertical Chalk Bag
YY Vertical Animal edition chalk bags.Have more fun when you climb with the Animal Chalk Bag Edition Lightweight and wild opening. Lightweight and Wide opening for easy access with big hand Improved closure system. Elasticated and adjustable draw cord closure...
YY Vertical Chalk Bag
YY Vertical Animal edition chalk bags.Have more fun when you climb with the Animal Chalk Bag Edition Lightweight and wild opening. Lightweight and Wide opening for easy access with big hand Improved closure system. Elasticated and adjustable draw cord closure...
Metolius Galaxy Comp Print Chalk Bag
The Metolius Climbing Galaxy Competition Chalk Bag is well made. Since the main fabric is made from nylon, we know it is good quality. High capacity and ergonomic, the classic cylinder shape holds well and is made for easy access....
Metolius Galaxy Comp Print Chalk Bag
The Metolius Climbing Galaxy Competition Chalk Bag is well made. Since the main fabric is made from nylon, we know it is good quality. High capacity and ergonomic, the classic cylinder shape holds well and is made for easy access....
Metolius Leaf Camo Comp Chalk Bag
Metolius Leaf Camo Comp is the climbing magnesite holder with a forest design. The lining is made of fleece, it is equipped with a brush holder and includes a belt with a side release buckle. Features - Brush holder Full-length...
Metolius Leaf Camo Comp Chalk Bag
Metolius Leaf Camo Comp is the climbing magnesite holder with a forest design. The lining is made of fleece, it is equipped with a brush holder and includes a belt with a side release buckle. Features - Brush holder Full-length...
Metolius Leaf Camo Comp Chalk Bag
Metolius Leaf Camo Comp is the climbing magnesite holder with a forest design. The lining is made of fleece, it is equipped with a brush holder and includes a belt with a side release buckle. Features - Brush holder Full-length...
Metolius Leaf Camo Comp Chalk Bag
Metolius Leaf Camo Comp is the climbing magnesite holder with a forest design. The lining is made of fleece, it is equipped with a brush holder and includes a belt with a side release buckle. Features - Brush holder Full-length...
Metolius Cross Clipper Chalk Bag
Classic cylinder style, full-length pile lining and with included brush holder makes the Metolius Cross Clipper Comp Chalk Bag an ideal choice for all climbers!A large and easy access opening at the top of the bag makes it extremely easy...
YY Vertical Penta
The PENTA, made of glued laminated birchand poplar, are distinguished by their great lightness: 220g / unit. The PENTA allows a complete and progressive training.Their unique two sided design offers 7 possibilities of grips (30mm, 25mm, 20mm, 15mm, 10mm, mono,...
YY Vertical La Baguette
La Baguette is a sturdy and ultra light wooden hangboard (only 380g) that will go with you everywhere! It has been specially designed for warming up and training climbers both indoors and outdoors. When warming up, La Baguette reduces the...
Metolius Competition Chalk Bag
Metolius Competition Chalk Bags feature a stiff, easy-access rim, handy brush holder and easy-clip belt.The Metolius Competition is lined with soft fleece for a nice feel and good chalk retention.Features- Classic cylinder style Full-length pile lining Stiff, easy-access rim Brush...
Metolius Competition Stripe Chalk Bag
For quick and easy access that won't let you down, the Metolius Competition Chalk Bag will always be at your side for assistance on the rock face. A large and easy access opening at the top of the bag makes...
Metolius Competition Stripe Chalk Bag
For quick and easy access that won't let you down, the Metolius Competition Chalk Bag will always be at your side for assistance on the rock face. A large and easy access opening at the top of the bag makes...
Metolius Wooden Rock Rings
The Metolius Wood Rock Rings are a pair of slotted blocks which you suspend and hang off to train your fingers. As each hand is independent and can move freely there is less restriction on the joints, this reduces the...
Evolv Superlight Chalk Bag
The Evolv Superlight Magnesium Bag is super lightweight and made of lighter and more durable Ripstop nylon.If you are looking to shed a few ounces at the cliff, take a super lightweight magnesium bag. Features- Closure: Drawstring strap Dimensions: 6.5"...
Evolv Superlight Chalk Bag
The Evolv Superlight Magnesium Bag is super lightweight and made of lighter and more durable Ripstop nylon.If you are looking to shed a few ounces at the cliff, take a super lightweight magnesium bag. Features- Closure: Drawstring strap Dimensions: 6.5"...
Evolv Superlight Chalk Bag
The Evolv Superlight Magnesium Bag is super lightweight and made of lighter and more durable Ripstop nylon.If you are looking to shed a few ounces at the cliff, take a super lightweight magnesium bag. Features- Closure: Drawstring strap Dimensions: 6.5"...
Evolv Superlight Chalk Bag
The Evolv Superlight Magnesium Bag is super lightweight and made of lighter and more durable Ripstop nylon.If you are looking to shed a few ounces at the cliff, take a super lightweight magnesium bag. Features- Closure: Drawstring strap Dimensions: 6.5"...
Evolv Corduroy Chalk Bag
A blast from the past. An 18th century inspired durable material that has been modernized into a fashionable design. The Corduroy chalk bag comes with a drawsting cord lock closure, chalk brush holder and a zippered pocket for your keys...
Evolv Corduroy Chalk Bag
A blast from the past. An 18th century inspired durable material that has been modernized into a fashionable design. The Corduroy chalk bag comes with a drawsting cord lock closure, chalk brush holder and a zippered pocket for your keys...
Evolv Corduroy Chalk Bag
A blast from the past. An 18th century inspired durable material that has been modernized into a fashionable design. The Corduroy chalk bag comes with a drawsting cord lock closure, chalk brush holder and a zippered pocket for your keys...
Evolv Canvas Chalk Bag
Made from the best quality canvas that we could find. They hold chalk and look sweet.What more do you need? Oh, that's right, you need a bag for your chalk bag so that chalk doesn't leave your chalk bag.  Features-...
Evolv Canvas Chalk Bag
Made from the best quality canvas that we could find. They hold chalk and look sweet.What more do you need? Oh, that's right, you need a bag for your chalk bag so that chalk doesn't leave your chalk bag.  Features-...
Evolv Canvas Chalk Bag
Made from the best quality canvas that we could find. They hold chalk and look sweet.What more do you need? Oh, that's right, you need a bag for your chalk bag so that chalk doesn't leave your chalk bag.  Features-...
Evolv Collector Chalk Bag
Unique SoCal inspired design. Collectors chalk bag communicates Evolv's focus of Creative Expression. The chalk bag comes with a drawstring cord lock closure, a chalk brush holder and a zippered pocket for your keys or small climbing essentials.Features- Material: 600d...
Evolv Collector Chalk Bag
Unique SoCal inspired design. Collectors chalk bag communicates Evolv's focus of Creative Expression. The chalk bag comes with a drawstring cord lock closure, a chalk brush holder and a zippered pocket for your keys or small climbing essentials.Features- Material: 600d...
Evolv Collector Chalk Bag
Unique SoCal inspired design. Collectors chalk bag communicates Evolv's focus of Creative Expression. The chalk bag comes with a drawstring cord lock closure, a chalk brush holder and a zippered pocket for your keys or small climbing essentials.Features- Material: 600d...
Petromax Pin-Up Style Vintage Retro Metal Tin Plaque Sign
The high-quality Petromax retro tin plate sign in the style of past time pin-ups is ideal as a decoration or a gift for every Petromax fan.Petromax is nostalgicWith its high-quality embossing and the brilliant pin-up motif, the Petromax retro sign...
Feuerhand Vintage Retro Metal Tin Plaque Sign
Why the Feuerhand Tin Plate Sign is a must have for your vintage collection.Features -  Made in Germany, suitable for original Feuerhand Hurricane Lantern High-quality embossing in 3D. Nostalgic look with retro charm. The Feuerhand Tin Plate Sign is the...
Petromax Fire Skillet With Two Handles
Petromax fire pan made of high-quality cast iron is indispensable for your meals over the open fire and in the home kitchen. Because cast iron pans are extremely durable, they are also used by cooking professionals.Once tried, you will not...
Petromax Fire Skillet With Two Handles
Petromax fire pan made of high-quality cast iron is indispensable for your meals over the open fire and in the home kitchen. Because cast iron pans are extremely durable, they are also used by cooking professionals.Once tried, you will not...
Petromax Fire Skillet With Two Handles
Petromax fire pan made of high-quality cast iron is indispensable for your meals over the open fire and in the home kitchen. Because cast iron pans are extremely durable, they are also used by cooking professionals.Once tried, you will not...
Petromax Fire Skillet With Handle
The Petromax Fire Skillet made of high-quality cast iron is indispensable for your meals over the open fire and in the kitchen at home. For cast-iron skillets are extremely durable, they are also used by professional chefs. Once you have...
Petromax Fire Skillet With Handle
The Petromax Fire Skillet made of high-quality cast iron is indispensable for your meals over the open fire and in the kitchen at home. For cast-iron skillets are extremely durable, they are also used by professional chefs. Once you have...
Petromax Fire Skillet With Handle
The Petromax Fire Skillet made of high-quality cast iron is indispensable for your meals over the open fire and in the kitchen at home. For cast-iron skillets are extremely durable, they are also used by professional chefs. Once you have...
Petromax Transport Bag for Fire Skillet
In the transport bag for the fire pan, you can easily carry your favorite pan through the forest, open terrain and mountain landscapes thanks to the reinforced carrying handles. In the transport bag you can store the fire pan safely and...
Petromax Transport Bag for Fire Skillet
In the transport bag for the fire pan, you can easily carry your favorite pan through the forest, open terrain and mountain landscapes thanks to the reinforced carrying handles. In the transport bag you can store the fire pan safely and...
Feuerhand Baby Special 276 LED Lantern
The classic in a new light: a feeling of well-being in no time with the versatile LED Lantern for extra special hours  Made in Germany: designed, produced and packaged in northern Germany  130 years of proven quality: now also with...
Feuerhand Baby Special 276 LED Lantern
The classic in a new light: a feeling of well-being in no time with the versatile LED Lantern for extra special hours  Made in Germany: designed, produced and packaged in northern Germany  130 years of proven quality: now also with...
Feuerhand Baby Special 276 LED Lantern
The classic in a new light: a feeling of well-being in no time with the versatile LED Lantern for extra special hours  Made in Germany: designed, produced and packaged in northern Germany  130 years of proven quality: now also with...
Feuerhand Baby Special 276 Hurricane Lantern
This is the reason why the Baby Special 276 is an indispensable outdoor lighting:Features -  Permanently non-electric light source, emergency and orientation light. Quality Made in Germany since 1893. Can be placed flexibly on balcony and terrace or in the...
Petromax Serving Spoon
This makes the Serving Spoon of 30 cm length a practical campfire spoon for casseroles, meat dishes, side dishes and vegetables: Served right: high-quality long Serving Spoon made of stainless steel  For big adventures: 50 ml capacity and 30 cm...
Petromax Stainless Steel Fire Kettle
The Petromax Stainless-Steel Fire Kettle provides a self-sufficient outdoor stove for your outdoor kitchen. Using small branches, twigs or fir cones you can fuel it in no time. The additional screw-on lid enables carrying water without leakage, while the Fire Bowl...
Petromax Transport Bag for Sandwich Iron
The Petromax Sandwich Iron Transport Bag accompanies you on any of your outdoor cooking adventures, so you can easily and comfortably take your iron to the campfire and enjoy your perfect sandwich in nature. The Transport Bag for your Iron is...
Petromax Hobo Stove
This compact and efficient hobo stove is reliable: it supports pots of every size and weight and is assembled in just a few steps. Made of resistant stainless steel, it is exactly what is needed for adventurers, campers and bushcraft fans. The...
Petromax Chain Mail Cleaner For Iron
With this high-quality, sturdy utensil made of stainless steel, burnt residues are in for it. With the chain mail cleaner you clean effortlessly your pan or your skillet made of cast or wrought iron – without damaging the valuable patina....
Petromax Chain Mail Cleaner For Iron
With this high-quality, sturdy utensil made of stainless steel, burnt residues are in for it. With the chain mail cleaner you clean effortlessly your pan or your skillet made of cast or wrought iron – without damaging the valuable patina....
Petromax Fire Anchor
With the Petromax Fire Anchor, you will turn your campfire into a practical and versatile cooking area – grill function included – without even thinking.The Fire Anchor made of coated steel can be easily anchored into the ground next to...
Petromax Scraper for Dutch Ovens and Skillets
With this handy scraper, you can remove stubborn cooking and frying residues from hard to reach areas of your Dutch ovens and fire skillets. The scraper cleans cast and wrought iron without attacking the valuable patina, for it adjusts perfectly to...
Princeton Tec Helix Li Led wiederaufladbare Licht Laterne - Grau
Egal, ob der Abend Sie in den Hinterhof oder ins Hinterland führt, der Helix Li packt die Ware.Ein Micro-USB-Anschluss versorgt den wiederaufladbaren Akku mit Strom, der es dieser leichten Laterne ermöglicht, einen hellen Strahl auszustrahlen, der die Augen schont –...
Petromax Edelstahl Perkomax Perkolator
Mit der Petromax Edelstahl-Perkolator kannst du deinen Lieblingskaffee und -tee besonders schonend aufbrühen. Das einzigartige Zubereitungsprinzip verleiht Ihrem Getränk ein unvergleichliches Aroma. Überall ein Genuss Mit der Perkomax aus Edelstahl können Sie Ihren Kaffee immer dort zubereiten, wo Sie ihn...
Petromax Grill- und Kohlezange
Die Petromax Grill- und Kohlezange ist dein unverzichtbares Utensil zum Grillen und Kochen im Freien.Sicheres Garen auf dem heißen GrillDie hochwertige Zange aus gebürstetem Edelstahl liegt dank ihres feinen Griffs gut in der Hand. Dank des gebogenen Zangenkopfes können Sie...
Petromax Holzspatel
Um keine Verbrennung mehr zu gewährleisten: Mit dem Petromax Holz Spatel leicht drehen, bewegen und Rühren Essen ist möglich.Dank der flachen Abstreifkante, die bis zum Ende leicht gewölbt wird, sorgt die Petromax Holzspachtel für das Anheben Ihrer Nahrung sowie das...
Petromax Sandwicheisen aus Gusseisen
Das Sandwicheisen eignet sich perfekt für leckere Toasts, Bagels oder Dumplings. Ob als Snack am Lagerfeuer oder als tolle Ergänzung zu Ihrem BBQ-Menü: Sandwiches werden jetzt in den gusseisernen Formen in der Glut des Lagerfeuers oder auf dem Grill geröstet....
Petromax Feuertopf aus Gusseisen
Der original Petromax Dutch Oven eignet sich ideal zum Kochen und Backen unter freiem Himmel oder im Backofen zu Hause. Gusseiserne Töpfe gibt es seit dem 18. Jahrhundert. Schon damals schätzte man die einzigartigen Eigenschaften von Gusseisen. Mit dem Feuertopf...
Petromax Tasche für Dutch Oven FT12, FT18, Feuer Grill & Atago
Die Petromax Transporttasche für holländische Öfen ist eine gute Möglichkeit, holländische Öfen ft12 und ft18 sowie den Fire Barbecue Grill tg3 oder den Petromax Atago zu tragen oder zu speichern. Es ist eine sichere Lagerstätte.Erstklassige Stabilität dank seiner hochwertigen Handhabung...
Petromax Pflege Conditioner für Guss- und Schmiedeeisen
Die Petromax Pflege- und Würzspülung aus natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen schützt die vorbehandelte Oberfläche (seasoned finish) von Petromax Feuertöpfen und jedem anderen gusseisernen Kochgeschirr. Es eignet sich ideal zum Würzen von nicht vorbehandelten Dutch Oven Oberflächen.Pflege und SchutzDer lebensmittelechte Conditioner ist am...
Petromax Kochstativ
Wenn Sie „Last a Lifetime“-Qualität wollen, dann wollen Sie ein Petromax-Produkt. Das Kochstativ ist absolut keine Ausnahme und dieses wunderbar in Deutschland entwickelte Produkt wird Ihnen viele Jahre lang in Ihrer Campingküche dienen.Mit dem Petromax Kochstativ kommt jeder in den...
Petromax Fire-Kit
Feuer machen leicht gemacht: Einfach die sechs kleinen Holzstücke mit dem Karton zusammenfügen, dann den Kegel in die Mitte einer vorbereiteten Menge Brennholz oder zwischen Holzkohle oder Grillbriketts stellen und das Set mit den enthaltenen Streichhölzern anzünden. Unterwegs lässt sich...
Feuerhand Halter für Hurricane 276 Laterne
Warum der Feuerhand Laternenhalter der passgenaue Aufhänger für weitreichendes Licht ist: Features Elegantes Design extra Hingucker im Garten. Ideale Höhe um Laternenlicht im Garten oder auf der Terrasse zu verteilen. Unifarben und somit perfekt kombinierbar mit allen Laternenfarben. Langlebiges Material...
Feuerhand Tank Lid für Hurricane 276 Laterne
Der Deckel für den Feuerhand Öltank passend zum Feuerhand Hurrikan Laterne Baby Special 276. Der Tank Lid ist mit dem Feuerhand Logo dekoriert. Technische Daten Material: Stahl, verzinkt L x B x H (in cm): 3 x 3 x 1,4...
Feuerhand Flat Wick (5 St.) für Hurricane 276 Laterne
Warum der Flachdocht ideal für den Brenner in Ihrem Baby Special 276 ist: Merkmale- Passgenauer Baumwolldocht für schnelles, einfaches Anbringen. Optimale Kraftstoffaufnahme durch Naturfasern. Brennt einwandfrei und arbeitet sicher. Der Feuerhand Flachdocht aus reiner Baumwolle ist ideal für den Brenner...
Feuerhand Flat Wick 100cm (1m)
Warum der Flachdocht die flexible Wahl für den Brenner in Ihrem Baby Special 276 ist:Merkmale -  1 Meter/100 cm Baumwolldocht für einfaches Schneiden und schnelles Anbringen Optimale Kraftstoffaufnahme durch Naturfasern Brennt einwandfrei und arbeitet sicher Der Feuerhand Flachdocht aus reiner...
Feuerhand Frosted Glass für Hurricane 276 Laterne
Warum das Feuerhand Glas gefrostet perfekt für den Einsatz in Ihrem Baby Special 276 ist:Merkmale -  Hergestellt in Deutschland Bruchfestes und hitzebeständiges Borosilikatglas Passgenau für Baby Special 276 und 275 Mattierte Optik für diffuses Licht Optimaler Windschutz für eine ruhige...
Feuerhand Coaster For Lantern
Was den Laternenuntersetzer zum idealen Zubehör für die Baby Special 276 Hurricane Lantern auf einem Balkontisch oder Terrassenboden macht:Merkmale -  Baby Special 276 kann sicher auf Balkon- oder Gartentischen und Böden stehen Schützt beim Befüllen und Betreiben der Sturmlaterne zuverlässig...
Petromax Pfannenwender aus Olivenholz
Was den Petromax Pfannenwender aus Olivenholz zu einem unverzichtbaren Utensil für Bratpfannen macht: 30 cm langer Spatel Handgefertigt in Deutschland Nachhaltig nach der Olivenernte produziert Lebensmittelecht; hohe Strapazierfähigkeit durch Öl-Wachs-Finish Praktische Aufhängung durch Lederschlaufe Ihr praktischer Olivenspatel für jedes Abenteuer...
Metolius Dustbin Bouldering Bucket
The Metolius Dust Bin is a simply designed large-mouth boulder bucket that allows you to get all over coverage without spilling a gram of your favourite chalk. The Dustbin is a large bouldering bucket from Metolius that'll hold a lot...
Metolius Digi Camo Comp Chalk Bag
Metolius's classic Competition shape chalk bag in a digital camo print design. Features- Full-length pile lining Brush holder Includes belt w/side-release buckle
Metolius Yosemite Jester Chalk Bag
The Yosemite Jester Chalkbag has a tapered shape and a plush full-length pile lining, with a brush holder on the side.Features- Tapered shape and large capacity with full-length pile lining Brush holder Full-length pile lining Includes belt w/side-release buckle
YY Vertical Chalk Bag
YY Vertical Animal edition chalk bags.Have more fun when you climb with the Animal Chalk Bag Edition Lightweight and wild opening. Lightweight and Wide opening for easy access with big hand Improved closure system. Elasticated and adjustable draw cord closure...
Metolius Galaxy Comp Print Chalk Bag
The Metolius Climbing Galaxy Competition Chalk Bag is well made. Since the main fabric is made from nylon, we know it is good quality. High capacity and ergonomic, the classic cylinder shape holds well and is made for easy access....
Metolius Leaf Camo Comp Chalk Bag
Metolius Leaf Camo Comp is the climbing magnesite holder with a forest design. The lining is made of fleece, it is equipped with a brush holder and includes a belt with a side release buckle. Features - Brush holder Full-length...
Metolius Cross Clipper Chalk Bag
Classic cylinder style, full-length pile lining and with included brush holder makes the Metolius Cross Clipper Comp Chalk Bag an ideal choice for all climbers!A large and easy access opening at the top of the bag makes it extremely easy...
YY Vertical Penta
The PENTA, made of glued laminated birchand poplar, are distinguished by their great lightness: 220g / unit. The PENTA allows a complete and progressive training.Their unique two sided design offers 7 possibilities of grips (30mm, 25mm, 20mm, 15mm, 10mm, mono,...
YY Vertical La Baguette
La Baguette is a sturdy and ultra light wooden hangboard (only 380g) that will go with you everywhere! It has been specially designed for warming up and training climbers both indoors and outdoors. When warming up, La Baguette reduces the...
Metolius Competition Chalk Bag
Metolius Competition Chalk Bags feature a stiff, easy-access rim, handy brush holder and easy-clip belt.The Metolius Competition is lined with soft fleece for a nice feel and good chalk retention.Features- Classic cylinder style Full-length pile lining Stiff, easy-access rim Brush...
Metolius Competition Stripe Chalk Bag
For quick and easy access that won't let you down, the Metolius Competition Chalk Bag will always be at your side for assistance on the rock face. A large and easy access opening at the top of the bag makes...
Metolius Wooden Rock Rings
The Metolius Wood Rock Rings are a pair of slotted blocks which you suspend and hang off to train your fingers. As each hand is independent and can move freely there is less restriction on the joints, this reduces the...
Evolv Superlight Chalk Bag
The Evolv Superlight Magnesium Bag is super lightweight and made of lighter and more durable Ripstop nylon.If you are looking to shed a few ounces at the cliff, take a super lightweight magnesium bag. Features- Closure: Drawstring strap Dimensions: 6.5"...
Evolv Corduroy Chalk Bag
A blast from the past. An 18th century inspired durable material that has been modernized into a fashionable design. The Corduroy chalk bag comes with a drawsting cord lock closure, chalk brush holder and a zippered pocket for your keys...
Evolv Canvas Chalk Bag
Made from the best quality canvas that we could find. They hold chalk and look sweet.What more do you need? Oh, that's right, you need a bag for your chalk bag so that chalk doesn't leave your chalk bag.  Features-...
Evolv Collector Chalk Bag
Unique SoCal inspired design. Collectors chalk bag communicates Evolv's focus of Creative Expression. The chalk bag comes with a drawstring cord lock closure, a chalk brush holder and a zippered pocket for your keys or small climbing essentials.Features- Material: 600d...
Petromax Pin-Up Style Vintage Retro Metal Tin Plaque Sign
The high-quality Petromax retro tin plate sign in the style of past time pin-ups is ideal as a decoration or a gift for every Petromax fan.Petromax is nostalgicWith its high-quality embossing and the brilliant pin-up motif, the Petromax retro sign...
Feuerhand Vintage Retro Metal Tin Plaque Sign
Why the Feuerhand Tin Plate Sign is a must have for your vintage collection.Features -  Made in Germany, suitable for original Feuerhand Hurricane Lantern High-quality embossing in 3D. Nostalgic look with retro charm. The Feuerhand Tin Plate Sign is the...
Petromax Fire Skillet With Two Handles
Petromax fire pan made of high-quality cast iron is indispensable for your meals over the open fire and in the home kitchen. Because cast iron pans are extremely durable, they are also used by cooking professionals.Once tried, you will not...
Petromax Fire Skillet With Handle
The Petromax Fire Skillet made of high-quality cast iron is indispensable for your meals over the open fire and in the kitchen at home. For cast-iron skillets are extremely durable, they are also used by professional chefs. Once you have...
Petromax Transport Bag for Fire Skillet
In the transport bag for the fire pan, you can easily carry your favorite pan through the forest, open terrain and mountain landscapes thanks to the reinforced carrying handles. In the transport bag you can store the fire pan safely and...
Feuerhand Baby Special 276 LED Lantern
The classic in a new light: a feeling of well-being in no time with the versatile LED Lantern for extra special hours  Made in Germany: designed, produced and packaged in northern Germany  130 years of proven quality: now also with...
Feuerhand Baby Special 276 Hurricane Lantern
This is the reason why the Baby Special 276 is an indispensable outdoor lighting:Features -  Permanently non-electric light source, emergency and orientation light. Quality Made in Germany since 1893. Can be placed flexibly on balcony and terrace or in the...
Petromax Serving Spoon
This makes the Serving Spoon of 30 cm length a practical campfire spoon for casseroles, meat dishes, side dishes and vegetables: Served right: high-quality long Serving Spoon made of stainless steel  For big adventures: 50 ml capacity and 30 cm...
Petromax Stainless Steel Fire Kettle
The Petromax Stainless-Steel Fire Kettle provides a self-sufficient outdoor stove for your outdoor kitchen. Using small branches, twigs or fir cones you can fuel it in no time. The additional screw-on lid enables carrying water without leakage, while the Fire Bowl...
Petromax Transport Bag for Sandwich Iron
The Petromax Sandwich Iron Transport Bag accompanies you on any of your outdoor cooking adventures, so you can easily and comfortably take your iron to the campfire and enjoy your perfect sandwich in nature. The Transport Bag for your Iron is...
Petromax Hobo Stove
This compact and efficient hobo stove is reliable: it supports pots of every size and weight and is assembled in just a few steps. Made of resistant stainless steel, it is exactly what is needed for adventurers, campers and bushcraft fans. The...
Petromax Chain Mail Cleaner For Iron
With this high-quality, sturdy utensil made of stainless steel, burnt residues are in for it. With the chain mail cleaner you clean effortlessly your pan or your skillet made of cast or wrought iron – without damaging the valuable patina....
Petromax Fire Anchor
With the Petromax Fire Anchor, you will turn your campfire into a practical and versatile cooking area – grill function included – without even thinking.The Fire Anchor made of coated steel can be easily anchored into the ground next to...
Petromax Scraper for Dutch Ovens and Skillets
With this handy scraper, you can remove stubborn cooking and frying residues from hard to reach areas of your Dutch ovens and fire skillets. The scraper cleans cast and wrought iron without attacking the valuable patina, for it adjusts perfectly to...

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