A simple yoga towel can have a big impact on your practice. Specially designed to be quick drying and super
absorbent, yoga towels can be quickly grabbed or rolled at the top of your yoga mat to keep you cool and dry.
Yoga towels are particularly popular for hot yoga in a studio or beneath the sunshine, where it’s fast-drying
properties will help keep your grip strong and prevent slipping during your practice.
We are big believers in the benefits of yoga tools such as Yogablöcke and Yoga-Nackenrollen to get the most from your yoga
experience. If you’re in a bind, a yoga towel can be rolled and bring additional support to poses and movements.
Many yogis choose to simply lay their yoga towel over their yoga mat to avoid distraction during their practice.
Other people will also use their yoga towel in place of a yoga mat if they are travelling with limited space and
need something that can easily be used for an impromptu yoga session.